Characters in a Cantonese Opera playing at Sai Kung Street Theatre fronting the Sai Kung Tin Hau Temple. What the lady carrying should be the head of a fallen hero. it's certainly a revenge and she is in her passage in presenting this trophy to someone greater than her, not an unusual scenario in ancient literature I suppose.
一年一度西貢天后廟前做大戲。武旦所拿的喺某人的頭顱,我諗都係復仇的證據! 可說是不小古典文學裡的橋段。
The street market beside the street theatre, with local traditional food and products on sale. All real stalls run by locals. Hong Kong should have more of such street market, in every district, all year round.
大戲市集有各種地道小食,買街坊即做的棉花糖同龍鬚糖重有燒魷魚實在比係冷氣商場連鎖店買開心好多! 一來平,二來係即做,成件事又有街頭味道!其實由大眾市民經營嘅市集應該一年到晚區區都有。