Gary Yeung is a studio artist and the co-founder of the sketch group, “Urban Sketchers Hong Kong”. Yeung often visits and documents places either at risk of or having been protected from Hong Kong’s redevelop- ment projects. He is also keen to create studio paintings with topics ranging from urban or rural scenic paintings to man-made objects and wild animals. His sketches and studio works exemplify the mystic charms of Hong Kong’s past, present and future, both urban and rural.
畫家楊復始為Urban Sketchers Hong Kong的創辦 人之一,經常會就幸免在重建計劃遭到破壞或面臨 被拆卸的歷史建築以速寫作記錄,保留當中的難 忘景緻及動人點滴;其城市速寫及畫室創作題材 繁多,包括都市或鄉村景致的人事物,帶領大家 親歷一場香港往昔到現在的時光之旅,洋溢著楊 復始作為土生土長的香港人對此地的深厚感情。
畫家楊復始為Urban Sketchers Hong Kong的創辦 人之一,經常會就幸免在重建計劃遭到破壞或面臨 被拆卸的歷史建築以速寫作記錄,保留當中的難 忘景緻及動人點滴;其城市速寫及畫室創作題材 繁多,包括都市或鄉村景致的人事物,帶領大家 親歷一場香港往昔到現在的時光之旅,洋溢著楊 復始作為土生土長的香港人對此地的深厚感情。