Sunday, December 16, 2012

Wall Tree at Pound Lane 磅巷石牆樹

Wall Tree at Pound Lane 磅巷石牆樹

This wall tree (Ficus microcarpa) thrives on this old masonry wall in Pound Lane.  However, its future is uncertain as the government is proposing to build the second escalator along Pound Lane linking Queen's Road and the Midlevels.

此石牆樹 (細葉榕)緊緊地抓住磅巷的一石牆。闊大的樹蔭為路人遮陰。可是政府如建造第二條行人電梯,石牆樹恐怕劫數難逃。

Wall Tree at Pound Lane 磅巷石牆樹