Monday, September 18, 2017

Sketching in and around Alexandra Gardens in Cardiff 卡迪夫市中心 Alexandra Gardens 速寫

Another sketch scanned. It was a great day out at Cathays Park in Cardiff with Clara and Polly from Urban Sketchers South Wales. I really enjoyed sketching the historical elements there. So much to sketch that I decided to do a collage sketch in order to capture the ambience of this area. The first piece was the Welsh National Memorial which is located at the very centre of Alexandra Gardens. The second piece was the statue of Perseus holding Medusa's head displayed in the National Museum Cardiff and the third piece was a statue on the right side of the Glamorgan Building located on one side of the gardens.

英國之旅另一張速寫。當日與兩位南威爾斯速寫人,Polly 同 Clara 一同前往卡迪夫市中心 Alexandra Gardens 速寫。公園環境優美,四面皆是歷史建築,有大會堂、博物館、卡迪夫大學不同學院等等。我選擇畫一張拼合速寫,首先畫位於Alexandra Gardens正中心的威爾斯國立戰爭紀念碑,然後是卡迪夫博物館內希臘神話英雄Perseus手拿蛇髮女魔Medusa首級的銅像,最後是卡迪夫大學其中一座學院大樓的巨型石像。

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