Friday, June 6, 2014

Urban Sketchers Hong Kong holds its first exhibition 香港城市速寫人舉行首次展覽

Urban Sketchers Hong Kong's first exhibition will start this Sunday!  Do come!

Press Release

Headline:                    Urban Sketchers Hong Kong holds its first exhibition
Venue:                     Boom Cafe-Gallery, Sai Street, Sheung Wan
Date:                        7-29 June, 2014
Opening Ceremony: 4pm, Sunday, 8 June, 2014, 

Theme: “Sketch Boom on Sai Street”

The Event
Nestled in the northern part of Sheung Wan lie a few streets brimming with eclectic charm. Galleries stand shoulder-to-shoulder with little stores plying their trade, making or selling all manner of goods. Incense from prayer halls spice the air as patrons throng the cafés and dai-pai-dongs dotting the neighborhood. Families stroll the streets, dogs in tow, as residents of all races slurp noodles or chatter over a cup of tea. 

Urban Sketchers Hong Kong has always actively sought out spots for sketchcrawls that reflect life in this colorful city we call home. In keeping with the spirit of Boom, the cafe-gallery and first venue that has agreed to showcase the work of members of USk HK, we decided that it was only appropriate that the exhibition theme be the documentation of Sai Street and its immediate neighbors.

For a Sketcher, the area is a visual buffet, with every street corner presenting opportunities for a couple hours of sketching delight. Bits of older Hong Kong are flanked by towers of newness. Quiet yet full of life, it's a spot which happily sees relatively few vehicles. Back alleys and side streets showcase proud pieces of graffiti and accidental street sculpture. 

Over the course of the last few weeks, we've come as groups and individuals to sketch the stories we see here. As the world changes swiftly around us, it is our hope and intention that this body of work captures the essence of this wonderful little neighborhood at this point in time, preserving its beauty in line and color.

About Urban Sketchers HK (USk HK)
With a little over 1000 members on our Facebook Group, USk HK is the largest community of sketchers in Hong Kong. We are the local chapter of the global movement, and participants are both local and international from all kinds of backgrounds, united by the burning desire to sketch on location, then share what we've made. We ask only that the focus of sketches posted are of Hong Kong.

With sketchbooks (paper or digital) in hand, we can be found perched on stoops and ledges, or planted on little chairs, absorbed in observing the world around us and documenting and sharing what we see, in situ.

標題:香港城市速寫人舉行首次展覽 --  速寫西街
地點:Boom Cafe-Gallery,畫廊,西街,上環
日期: 201467-29
開幕時間: 201468 (週日)  下午4-7


近年中上環的荷里活充道至半山交界的街道,除了保持了古舊的老香港味道: 如港式雜貨店、各式各樣的古董店、大排檔和古蹟寺廟等,還有不少翻新了的大廈,讓畫廊、咖啡店、特色傢具店和服務式住宅進駐。因此令這個舊區一躍而成為一個中西新舊融和的港式文化展示地。於週末,不同國籍的人皆於這裡流連、溜狗、喝著咖啡去享受這個獨特社區的恬靜。
為了配合Boom-- 提供埸地支持予香港城市速寫人的第一個展覽 -- 展覽場地的環境和氛圍,我們決定以位於中上環的西街一帶為速寫主題。對於城市速寫人來說,西街一帶的每一個街角都充滿了值得花上數小時去寫生的題材: 新舊混雜的建築物,後巷和橫街中展示了本土藝術家的塗鴉作品和街頭雕塑。


關於香港城市速寫人 USk HK
在我們的Facebook群組擁有大約1000多名會員,USk HK是於香港的城市速寫人中最大的社團。我們是全球城市速寫運動的其中一個地方分會,成員包括擁有本地和國際的背景的香港人及居港外籍人士。我們都是因為對"速寫記錄當下"抱有相同的熱情而凝聚在一起,進行速寫,然後彼此分享作品與繪畫成果。而我們要求大家分享速寫的的重點是在香港所見的景物。

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