I'm excited to let you know that I will have an exhibition at Part-of Gallery starting from 2 November and I would like to invite you to view my latest studio paintings of some of my favourite Hong Kong wild birds at the opening party.
「鳥島」"Isle of Birds" Exhibition by Gary Yeung
Opening Party : Nov 2 (Sat) 1:30-4pm
「鳥島」"Isle of Birds" Exhibition by Gary Yeung
Exhibition Date : Nov 3 (Sun) - Dec 1 (Sun) 2019
Gallery Hours : 1-7pm (Every Sat and Sun)
Part-of Gallery : No.16 Sik On Street Wan Chai
(next to No.99 Queen’s Road East) 香港灣仔適安街16號地下 (皇后大道東99旁)
The Koels that call in early summer, the ever-present Eurasian Tree Sparrows which are never shy to get close to me at outdoor cafes, and the pairs of gentle Spotted Doves which roam around in parks near where I live--these are the feathery friends that I am always fond of. Their reassuring presence and gentleness gradually inspire me to paint, draw and learn more about the native birds in Hong Kong. After encountering a tiny Forked-tailed Sunbird, I started to pick up my paint brush and painted my first bird painting. This was how the series of Hong Kong native bird paintings started. The process of painting these lovely friends enlightens me, giving me renewed sense of wonder on their intricate beauty every time I paint them.
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