Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Vertical Urban Landscape in Mong Kok 半空旺角

Vertical Urban Landscape in Mong Kok

I really like the clouds and the vertical urban landscape there. And what's better than sketching such great view in an air-conditioned environment on such a damp hot day.

Mong Kok
Hong Kong


Vertical Urban Landscape in Mong Kok

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Rush Hour in Central 中環落班

Rush Hour at Pedder Building

This was the fun of urban sketching! When I did the line sketch, I didn't expect the lights to go up. When I started applying colour, all lights went up and I happily included them in the sketch! They brightened up the whole scene!


Rush Hour at Pedder Building

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Taoist Monastery Ten Thousand Buddha Hall 牛池灣鄉萬佛堂

Forgotten Taoist Monastery in the Heart of the City

The Ngau Chi Wan Sketch Crawl brought me to the almost forgotten Ten Thousand Buddha Hall hidden in a quiet section of Ngau Chi Wan Village.   I originally wanted to go in but it's now not open to the public anymore.  I decided to sketch the entrance to the monastery as well as the gate to another now deserted Taoist monastery which sat just next to the Ten Thousand Buddha Hall on the right.  The hall is of Taoist origin and belongs to the sect called "Sin Tin Dao" 「先天道」。 


香港在清末至一九三○年代,約有二十七間道堂,屬於先天道派的佔了十五間,可見早年的先天道是香港最大的道派。但時移世易,今日先天道的影響力已不復從前,道堂住持大都垂垂老矣,後繼無人,在社會上轉趨低調。 先天道主張三教合一,主要崇奉觀音、呂祖和三教聖神。位於九龍牛池灣村的萬佛堂是先天道堂,創立於一九一二至一五年間,它隱藏於村中一角,若不深入探尋,不會找到這間市區現存最古老的道堂。當年的牛池灣屬鄉郊地區,南海西樵人黎玉清女道長選擇在此處建堂,除了因地處往來西貢的交通要道外,也因為該村是雜姓客家村,可讓外人購地建屋。 先天道在早期頗為流行,一九一八年快活谷馬場看台發生大火,導致六百多人死亡,有關方面便邀請萬佛堂的道侶為死難者建醮,超度亡魂,其後東華醫院贈送「誠格幽冥」牌匾,該匾現在仍掛於道堂左門上方。另外,該門的門板上隱約可見「萬年有道」和「佛法無邊」八字,那原是一塊巨大牌匾,戰後木材缺乏,故把牌匾拆下,一分為二作大門之用。 全盛時期,萬佛堂有弟子五、六十人,每天於堂內焚香誦經。但戰後到來的人大減,目前第三代住持是一名白髮老人,無能力對外開放。這位住持曾參與一九六五年牛池灣鄉十年一屆的安龍清醮,但自那年之後,該鄉的打醮活動就停辦了。

先天道主張三教合一,但教義是以羅教為主幹,混合佛教禪宗和道教內丹道思想。該教認為,無生老母是一切生命萬物的起源,老母從「無」生「有」,「有」幻化萬物,包括人類。當人類從「無」而生時,每個人都有與生俱來的「性」與「命」,還擁有三寶—「神」、「氣」與「精」。當一個人逐漸成長且成熟時,由於受到各種不正當慾望的干擾,而導致思想雜亂與沉溺於物質享受,而陷入外在的世界,「性」與「命」的力量就會分開,三寶也會逐漸削弱。為了讓一個人保持樸實無華的本性,就必須利用佛教的對外修行和道教內丹術對內的修煉,使人類回到出生前—「先天」—充滿潛力 和生命力的階段。 先天道禁止教士婚嫁,並主張絕對素食,戒律操守嚴格

Forgotten Taoist Monastery in the Heart of the City

Monday, May 4, 2015

Shrine at Ngau Chi Wan Village 牛池灣村大王宮三山國王廟

Shrine at Ngau Chi Wan Village

The Village Shrine is dedicated to three deities of Taoist origin.  It's a small village shrine sheltered by a huge banyan tree, making the shrine and the open area around it a comfortable place to stay, especially on a hot summer day.


Shrine at Ngau Chi Wan Village

Saturday, May 2, 2015