Yuen Yuen Institute is a Taoist institute in Tsuen Wan which also pays tribute to Buddhist and Confucianist figures. Large number of people flocked to the institute to pray for good fortune after Lunar New Year. 圓玄學院供奉儒家、佛教及道教的思想,係荃灣區有名嘅老牌宗教場所。新年過後,大批市民前來拜太歲,熱鬧非常。
Land Rover Series III Lightweight Made in the UK in 1984. Landed in Hong Kong in 1985. Served in Royal Air Force in Shek Kong from 1986 to 1992. Dismissed from Ministry of Defence and auctioned in Hong Kong in 1992. 1984年英國出廠,1985運抵本港,1986至1992服役皇家空軍石崗機場,1992年退役。
I returned to the flower market the second time to do a close-up sketch of the Chinese New Year festive flowers. It was a supper sunny day with strong lights and shadows, a perfect moment to sketch flowers! 再到旺角花墟,天色晴朗,陽光普照,花卉顏色格外鮮艷!
The year of the Monkey will soon be here! Mong Kok Flower market is filled with festive flowers of all sorts and people are more than eager to buy these flowers before the new year arrives! 猴年將至,旺角花墟人頭湧湧,個個手束年花,熱鬧非常!