A band of adventurous urban sketchers sneaked up onto the rooftop of an abandoned tenement building in Berwick Street to search for great views of the Shek Kip Mei area. We were not disappointed. The connected rooftops and the cluster of abandoned buildings not only provided us with excellent views of the cityscape around us, they were in themselves a strange but tranquil world that worth to be sketched. It's really a pity that these buildings are now awaiting redevelopment.
走入荒廢唐樓,爬上幽暗梯級,我哋一班香港速寫人今午走到巴域街一排空置舊唐樓天台作畫。唐樓天台彷如鬧市中神秘綠州,榕樹寄生唐樓外牆同天台煙通出口處 ,天台欄邊長出開大型吊鐘狀紅花植物,身處其中作畫,心情舒暢。可惜唐樓拆卸在即,如此由歷史建築同大自然攜手編織嘅綠州好快消失。
I like it!!!